- check مدیرعامل: پری ناز طاهباز
- check سال تاسیس: 1358
- check تلفن: 22231620
- check نمابر: 22231597
- check ایمیل: info@namvaran.ir
- check وبسایت: www.namvaran.ir
- check آدرس: تهران، بلوار قیطریه شمالی، خیابان شهید خراسانی، شماره 5 | کد پستی: 1938913463
Our Mission is to provide assurance and relief to our clients by realizing their ideas and to exceed their expectations by our value added services through optimizing cost with original technical and business solutions.
- دیباچه مجموعه
- زمینههای فعالیت
- منابع انسانی
- دستاوردها
- زیرساختها
- لیست پروژههای پیشین
- همکاریهای بین المللی
دیباچه مجموعه
Namvaran Consulting Engineers; Managers founded in 1979 in response to the growing need in the critical post-revolutionary period for competent consulting engineering services within the country. It succeeded another Iranian company, which had been originally founded in 1973 as a joint venture with a foreign engineering firm.
Namvaran has been successful in keeping abreast of the new and rapidly changing environment in Iran.
Since its establishment, Namvaran has completed over 260 successful projects in Iranian industries and several design projects in foreign countries.
During more than 4 decades, we at Namvaran, took our first steps with an extensive knowledge backbone in conceptual design and detailed engineering in petroleum sector.
Today, through both knowledge and experience, we have extended our field of work as a leader of providing comprehensive EPCM services in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Mining and Metal industries.
زمینههای فعالیت
We have a strong track record in Engineering and Procurement (EP), Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) and Management Contracting (MC) deliveries.
We deliver from concept to realization of:
- Oil and Gas Production
- Oil Refining
- Gas Treatment
- Petrochemical
- Mine and Metal
- Power Generation and Transmission
- Water Supply and Treatment
Namvaran provides the following comprehensive range of services:
- Project Management
- Financing Solutions
- Feasibility Study
- Design and Engineering
- Tendering Services
- Procurement, Technical Inspection and expediting services.
- Supervision services, Technical Assistance and Construction Management.
- Start-up and Commissioning
- Operation
منابع انسانی
The most important asset of any engineering firm is its personnel; Namvaran owes its success and reputation to the knowledge, experience and dedication of its well-trained staff. The company’s dynamic and industrious management and its highly experienced and motivated personnel constantly strive to implement all projects in a timely manner and in accordance with the most up-to-date engineering and technical standards and to the entire satisfaction of the clients.
In addition, when required on specific projects, Namvaran enters collaborative agreements with other reputable Iranian or international consulting firms to supplement its capabilities or resources.
Currently (2021) Namvaran employs a staff of over 450 yearly averages. 80% are professionals and technical experts with formal qualification from universities or technical institutions in management or in Civil, Structural and Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument & Control, Process, Piping & 3D design and other branches of engineering.
- Valuable experience gained during execution of more than 260 industrial projects in the last four decades.
- Certified as Grade 1 in nine fields of expertise by Management and Planning organization of Iran
- Awarded for Exemplary export of engineering services in 2005
- The first Oil refinery consultant engineering firm to provide basic-design in Iran.
- Pioneer in executing Methanol Plant in Iran.
- Valuable experiences gained in execution of technological plants like Isfahan refinery Gasoline production project
- Design of the widest free span aircraft hangar in the Middle East (156m*156m) to accommodate simultaneous repair and maintenance of four B747 wide-body aircraft.
- One of few consultant engineers in mines and metal projects.
- Technical experiences in Alumina/ Aluminum Industries
- Having the honor of playing major role in execution of several projects for Gol-e-Gohar Complex, the 2nd largest Iron Ore producer in the Country for the past 4 decades.
- Pioneer in performing Off-Shore engineering in Iran like Aboozar field existing and new platforms Emergency facilities for oil exportation Development of Foroozan & Esfandiar field
In performing the wide range services, Namvaran valuable infrastructures are available to support them such as Quality, HSE , IT & Software services which are described below in brief:
- Quality
Quality has been the major concern of Namvaran management since the early date of the company establishment. Inspired by the quality management guidelines established by ISO 9001:2015, ISO/TS 29001:2010 standards, Namvaran utilizes systems approach in managing its operations as well as maintaining and improving its products quality.
Namvaran recognizes the importance of the HSE and endeavors to establish safe condition in project implementation stages. The HSE documents of the project will be prepared with reference to the international codes and standards, namely HSE-MS, ISO 45001:2018,
ISO 14001:2015, Iranian certificates like Accreditation Certificate Safe and Iranian local regulations
- IT
Namvaran with understanding the undeniable impact of information technology in advancement of company objectives, developed gradually to information technology department. The emerged potential and the entrusted duties to IT department, besides personnel experts and long term presence, lead to produce more than 80 information systems in accordance with oil, gas & petrochemical industry. Company managers with evaluating the emerged potential in IT department established “Namvaran high Tech company” (NHTC) based on Namvaran’s mission towards the society of consulting engineers, in 2008 and continues IT departments responsibilities & duties to its parent company (Namvaran) and also other organizations & companies.
- Software
In Namvaran, we utilize the most applicable and state of the art in-house and licensed software in various disciplines including engineering, project control, document control and classification, etc. to do optimize our activities in terms of engineering and design performance, time schedule adherence and documents sufficiency and completeness.
Under Namvaran quality assurance system, all software will pass validation and/or calibration procedures to provide necessary permissions and utilization afterwards.
لیست پروژههای پیشین
همکاریهای بین المللی
Namavaran has succeeded in cooperating with non-Iranians companies which the list of some of them is mentioned as below: