
ECCA Legal Services

Considering the memorandum signed with the Legal Institute of Didehbaan-e-Afq-e-Adalat, esteemed members of the association can benefit from the following services in coordination with the association's secretariat and the mentioned institute: Limited provision of free legal advice on-site at the association or member companies upon members' request. Unlimited consultation services…

ECCA Training

The ECCA members have more than 25,000 employees in different areas of EPC services including engineering, and executive activities. This has provided ECCA the capacity to be able to provide training services for its members and also for external audience of ECCA. Some of the topics that have been provided…

International Cooperation

ECCA members have been working with most of the well-known international IOCs, NOCs and service companies within huge and complex projects. Some of these companies who have participated in projects of ECCA members are presented below: Collaboration With Foreign EP Contractors

Iran Market Access

ECCA has been established by the biggest EPC companies in fields of energy and therefore through ECCA you could reach the below information of the participants in oil and gas market of Iran which is one of the markets with a high potential in MENA region. List of members of…